CTI believes that Education is the key to lift people out of poverty. We, at our CTI Community Center, provide an inclusive and nurturing environment for youth and children to learn through various avenues to develop their full potential. Our Wonder Kids program cater for character building and development of life skills, e.g. social skill, computer and financial literacy. Our Homework program and Maths tuition helps them catch up with school work. We have taught parents the importance of educational support and tutoring skills.
Maths Tuition
This initiative started when a Maths graduate offered to teach some vulnerable children maths on Saturday mornings. It has grown from one tutor and one student on a fortnightly basis to 9 regular volunteers and two staff with 10-20 children weekly. We still need more volunteers to be Maths tutors in order to enable this to be conducted weekly. We need a low
ratio of volunteer tutors to children as most of the children are lagging far behind their peers.
Wonder Kids
Our Wonder Kids program caters for character building and development of life skills, e.g. social skill, computer and financial literacy. Teachers will facilitate learning through stories, role plays, play dough, art and craft and other experiential learning methods. Values, character and life-skills are modelled and taught.
Homework Class
Our Homework program helps the children catch up with school work. Problem solving approach to learning has been found to be most helpful to make learning relevant. Teachers and volunteers seek to assist the students to solve their immediate hindrances to learning, be it learning the alphabets, spelling, reading, writing or counting.
Youth Kelompok
Today’s marginalised youths lack opportunities which their peers have. We organise small group activities for young people to learn and participate in different kinds of hobbies such as craft work, beading, and baking. The added exposure is to enable the youths to gain exposure and pick up life-skills which may serve them in the future.
“The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little.”
Franklin D. Roosevelt